Our first Women on the Frontlines event

Patricia King had asked our ministry to host a Women on the Frontlines Conference for a couple of years, but I (Suzy) had never been a fan of traditional women’s events, so I declined. I’m sorry ladies, but my experience just included way too much tears and snot, and wanna-be spa experiences. When I decided to look deeper into the Women on the Frontlines movement, I realized that these events were designed to encourage and affirm women of all ages in their God given abilities with a hope-filled message of “you’re never too young or old, and you’re never unqualified from allowing God to use you” rang through and hit my ears. WOFL carried a message of empowerment that in my experience, much of the Church really needed to adopt. I knew at that time that hosting a WOFL conference was something that God was calling Miracles in the Marketplace to do, so I notified Patricia King to let her know that we would indeed like to host an event. My daughter Lauren Craft had been invited to be one of the worship leaders at the WOFL World Convention at Angelus Temple in Los Angeles in May of 2016, so I accompanied her there and we had an amazing time and both returned refreshed and ready to host our first regional WOFL conference the following month. There was such an incredible anointing present at that first conference we hosted, and I felt such a grace fall upon me to host, just as Patricia had prophesied over me. There was also a financial blessing released and I knew that God was pouring out His favor as I said “yes” to hosting. It is truly amazing how when you partner with another ministry, God allows you to come under the umbrella of their anointing and increases your own. Our speakers that year were Patricia King, Cindy Jacobs, Miranda Nelson, and Cindy McGill (who was a last minute fill in for Stacey Campbell). We had an incredible turn out as women from all over the U.S. came to be touched by God. It was immediately following that conference that we committed to host another regional conference for the following June. Audio & Video recordings are still available through: http://shop-audiosolutionsplus-com.3dcartstores.com/Women-on-the-Frontlines_c_14.html

Suzy Nelson

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