What God is doing
Therough the MIMI Ministry

Testimony From Roger Fossum
From the first time I met Craig, I was impressed. He is the finest preacher I have ever met. I knew I wanted what he had. I signed up for the first year of the School of Miracles & Ministry. During the classes, one of the instructors asked me to ask the Holy Spirit to show me a date that was significant to another guy. I closed my eyes and saw a calendar wheel spinning.
I read the date on the calendar and it was his birthday. So I prayed for him. He was as dumbfounded as I was. We took a short term mission trip to Honduras. While I was there, our group split up to go in several different ways.
I wound up going to the hospital to pray for a little orphan girl with a twisted intestine. As I prayed for her, her intestine untwisted.
On the last day of the trip we went to the Federal Penitentiary of Comayagua, Honduras. I got to preach to 400 plus prisoners and give my salvation testimony which ended in a supernatural revelation of God. I told the audience I was expecting to see miracles that morning.
A man pushed his way through the crowd to get to me. He was deaf and suffering from tuberculosis. I prayed for both and he was instantly healed. Later that day two people were hurt in front of me and appeared to both suffer a concussion. I prayed and they were both healed.
At one of the prophetic conferences, I watched Pastor Craig pray for a childhood friend of mine, Jody Larson. She had a metal rod in her back and severe scoliosis. Pastor Craig sat her down in a chair, lifted her feet up in the air, and began praying for her. Her left leg grew out 3 inches and then shrank 3 inches. Her right leg then did the same. This went on for fifteen minutes.
At the end of the prayer, Jody stood up and touched her toes- something she could never do before because of the metal rod. I remember thinking I wanted to do that too.
Several years later I met Jody at a church service in Duluth. She asked for prayer so my wife Brenda and I prayed. Jody’s left leg grew out three inches and then contracted. Then her right leg grew out three inches and contracted. This went on for fifteen minutes. She stood up healed!